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Contact for tool factory

Address :

LORETA-nástrojárna, spol. s r. o.
Pražská 1827
Nová Paka 50901

Skype :   loreta.np   Skype Me™!

e-mail :   


IČO :     47453494
DIČ :     CZ47453494
Certificate of incorporation : v Hradci Králové, odd.C, vložka 2616

Running hours : from 5.30 am to 10.00 pm
Hours of opening : from 8.00 am to 12.00 am, or according to telephonical deal

Phone contact :

Director of toll shop :
Business agent :
Business agent :

Ing. Marek Česák
Michal Gabriel
Jiří Forman

(+420) 607 933 838
(+420) 602 114 661
(+420) 602 113 340         Certificate of incorporation (.pdf)