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Our History

Our company Loreta v.o.s. was established by three companions in 1990. First, they ran the production of plastics mouldings as a partial business at the same time with their own jobs but later on they decided to leave their workplaces and establish their own company. After the first year of successful performing in this field, they transformed their company to v.o.s. with residence in Křelina.

One of the companions provided a building in Křelina suitable to function as a factory building. Than, particular build, electrical and plumber corrections had to be made in there. The first two presses were bought on credit. After their installation, they acquired first offers and the production was ready to begin. At the very beginning they ensured the production themselves because they could not afford the employees. The beginning was hard.

The company was well prospering and the building started to be too small after the first year. Because of that Loreta s.r.o. hired and than bought a building object in Chyjice. There was enough space for offices and all the technical facilities (driers, mills for crushing of inlets, six injenction machines type CS).

On account of the maintenance of production and its subsequent development it was necessary to ensure own production of moulds for injenction, because the cooperation with eventual suppliers of moulds was ineffective, slow and it did not ensure to deal with all of the orders on time. Besause of this reason the affiliated company LORETA – nástrojárna s.r.o. was established. This company is engaged in complet production of moulds for plastic mouldings, moulds for zinc casting and other tool work.

Since the year 2000 Loreta s.r.o. has started to replace the outdated machines type CS by the new german presses Arburg.

The new machines were bought mainly due to upgrading of production quality, control of parameter setting and savings of electrical energy. The presumption of usage of this modern machines is a sufficient number of orders. This machines do not mean only a big shift in quality increase and speed increase of production but it also brings an ease of work for employees.

In 2008 the company encounters the insufficient capacity of production areas. That is why the owners decide to buy an ex-agricultural building and realize its reconstruction into injenction plant.