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Contacts to injenction plant

Company business name :
Registered office :

Certificate of incorporation :

Main sphare of business by NACE :

IČO : 00485551
DIČ : CZ00485551

LORETA s.r.o.
Křelina 24, 506 01 Jičín

1st June 1990 in Hradec Králové, odd.C, vložka 1364

Production of plastic mouldings

Plant :

in the village Bukvice
fax : (+420) 493 594 127
e-mail :  lisovna@loreta.net


Running hours :

from 5.00 am to 9.00 pm

Hours of opening :

from 8.00 am to 2.00 pm, or according to telephonic deal

Phone contact

Business agent :
Business agent :
Bussines assistant :
Technologist :
Setup man :

Jiří Forman
Michal Gabriel
Eliška Formanová
Oldřich Nosek
Pavel Bíšek

(+420) 602 113 340
(+420) 602 114 661
(+420) 607 969 822
(+420) 723 123 996
(+420) 728 870 598

production director of injenction plant
director of toll shop
recieving of offers
system manager
setup man