LORETA – nástrojárna spol. s r.o. was established in Nová Paka in 1992. In the village Bukvice there is a sister company Loreta s.r.o. which is specialized in production of technical plastic mouldings produced by injection technology. The main aim of our tool shop is than projection and production of injection moulds for our injenction plant and other customers. Our company is directed by Mr. Michal Gabriel and his partners are Mr. Jiří Čermák and Mr. Jiří Forman. At the beginning the company had only eight tool-makers but the amount of them started to grow with time. Growing production started to need up to nineteen employees in 2005. This amount is considered to be optimal by the management of company.
Our company begin the production in a hired building object in Jeronýmova street, of course after several necessary remakes for an intended production. Everything (machine-tools, tools, test gear and material for the first moulds) was bought on loan. During the year 1993 twelve injection moulds were produced and our annual sale amouted 4.5 million Czech crowns.
During the first years of working our company produced injenction moulds only for domestic customers. In 1995 we managed to get a demanding order to Germany and it meant the beginning of totally new era. The interest in high-quality moulds form LORETA – nástrojárna s.r.o. was envinced by customers from Germany, Netherlands, Denmark and Switzerland.
In 1998 the building object in Jeronýmova street started to be too small and primarily shabby for the tool shop. Because of this reason the tool shop was moved into present building No. 1827 in Pražská street. The building was bought in auction sale from local company ZPA Nová Paka a.s.
Following modernization of machine fleet was necessary to make our company LORETA – nástrojárna s.r.o. competitive. We had to buy another electroerosion machine, CNC cutter, wire cutter and settle our own construction team that has nowadays 3 design engineers who work with the latest computer engineering.
In 2005 LORETA – nástrojárna s.r.o. has produced 56 injection moulds in total for 15 millon Czech crowns. By 2009 the production has moved from sixty to seventy moulds according to difficultness and size. We produce concurrently a series of fixturing, tools and lump-sum orderds.